Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

Teams within the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

As head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni, Stefanie Terp is also chief communications officer and spokeswoman for TU Berlin.

Head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Stefanie TerpChief communications officer, head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni and spokeswoman for TU Berlin+49 (0)30 314-23922Stefanie TerpH 1011PR1

Deputy head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Susanne CholodnickiDeputy head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni &
deputy spokeswoman for TU Berlin
+49 (0)30 314-27879Susanne CholodnickiH 1005/06PR-K1

Communications / Press Team

Head of the Communications/Press Team

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Susanne CholodnickiTeam leader and deputy head of the Office of Communication, Events and Alumni as well as deputy spokeswoman+49 (0)30 314-27879Susanne CholodnickiH 1005/06PR-K1

Staff, finances and office

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Silvia DinaroCoordinator for staff, finances, office, updating websites, press inquiries+49 (0)30 314-23922Silvia DinaroH 1010PR-K11
Debora RicottaCoordinator for marketing, press events, events, appointments+49 (0)30 314-24231Debora RicottaH 1009PR-K12
Nina Seidel-PolterCoordinator for office management, public relations and events+49 (0)30 314-77474Nina Seidel-PolterH 1009PR-K13

Science communication and public relations

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Barbara HalstenbergPress officer for science communication and public relations+49 (0)30 314-79773Barbara HalstenbergH 1007PR-K20
Sybille NitschePress officer for science communication and public relations+49 (030) 314-24026Sybille NitscheE 022PR-K21
Wolfgang RichterPress officer for science communication and public relations+49 (030) 314-25866Wolfgang RichterH 1008PR-K22
Bettina KlotzAlumni relations coordinator and press officer+49 (030) 314-27650Bettina KlotzH 2516PR-K23/PR-A3

Online communication and social media

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Anna GrohPress officer for social media and events+49 (0)30 314-23820Anna GrohH 1005/06PR-K30
Anne StillerPress officer for social media+49 (0)30 314-21012Anne StillerH 1005/06PR-K31
Ulrike FriedrichPress officer for website editing and corporate design+49 (0)30 314-79772Ulrike FriedrichH 3023PR-K32
Christine KreutzerPress officer for website editing+49 (0)30 314-27679Christine KreutzerH 3023PR-K33
Janine Rülicke-AhrensPress officer for media design and photography+49 (0)30 314-20447Janine Rülicke-AhrensH 1010PR-K34
Catherina KleinbauerProject assistant film/postproduction+49 (0)30 314-75053Catherina KleinbauerH 1502PR-K35

Internal communication

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Laura BrönstrupPress officer for internal communication+49 (0)30 314-29502Laura BrönstrupH 1008PR-K40

Berlin University Alliance

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Julie SpielmannPress officer for public relations / Berlin University Alliance+49 (0)30 314-77528Julie SpielmannH 1007PR-K50

Event Management Team

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
tbdTeam leader+49 (0)30 314- H 1002cPR-E 1
Juliane WistubaCoordinator for event management+49 (0)30 314-26620event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002bPR-E 11
Philipp WernickCoordinator for event management+49 (0)30 314-29038event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002aPR-E 12
Valentina MichenfelderCoordinator for event management+49 (0)30 314-25814event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002bPR-E 13
Finja SchardinCoordinator for event management & event manager+49 (0)30 314-79587event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1001PR-E 21
Marcus TöpferCoordinator for event management & event manager+49 (0)30 314-75946event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1001PR-E 22
tbdCoordinator for event management & event manager+49 (0)30 314-25094event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1001PR-E 23
Gabriele SchöttlerCoordinator for event management+49 (0)30 314-28307event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002aPR-E 24
Stephanie DavidCoordinator for furniture planning/furnishing permits+49 (0)30 314-23472moeblierungsplanung[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002dPR-E 31
Marcus KühnerCoordinator for furniture planning/furnishing permits+49 (0)30 314-25152moeblierungsplanung[at]tu-berlin.deH 1002dPR-E 32
Anais RodrianEvent management trainee+49 (0)30 314-25678event[at]tu-berlin.deH 1001II AB AZU VK

President's Protocol and Events Team

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Josephine StolteProject manager for president’s protocol and events+49 (0)30 314-22538Josephine StolteH 1002 ePR-P1
Annett KaphahnProject manager for president’s protocol and events+49 (0)30 314-23520Annett KaphahnH 1002 ePR-P2
Tamara I. Reyes OjopiAssistant for president’s protocol and events+49 (0)30 314-75907Tamara I. Reyes OjopiH 1002 ePR-P3
Marita Stina MüllerAssistant for president’s protocol and events+49 (0)30 314-27343Marita Stina MüllerH 1002 ePR-P4

Alumni Team

NamePositionTelephoneEmailRoomStaff code
Juliane WilhelmAlumni relations coordinator+49(0)30 314-24028Juliane WilhelmH 2516PR-A1
Bettina KlotzAlumni relations coordinator and press officer+49(0)30 314-27650Bettina KlotzH 2516PR-K23/-A3
Maria WalzCoordinator for administration and funding management+49(0)30 314-22760Maria WalzH 2515PR-A11
Nils BerlinerAssistant for Administration+49(0)30 314-77630Nils BerlinerH 2515 


Where to find us

  • Marker  Communications / Press Team
  • Marker  President's Protocol and Events
  • Marker  Event Management Team
  • Marker  Alumni Team
  • Marker  Head of Office of Communication, Events and Alumni